I’m back with my highlights of another online event from The Royal Australian Chemical Institute, titled: Networking under COVID
From Dr. Despina Anastasiou: A super useful networking tip, online or otherwise! – think & link, have a genuine conversation with your connections.
I know I’d rather have 1 genuine conversation than 5 shallow ones, what about you?
From Dave Sammut: The most memorable LinkedIn connection made – a student followed up after meeting dave and asked him to be a mentor. This was the start of the RACI mentoring program!
I never realised it was actually a student that made the first step towards establishing the RACI mentoring program!
What is your most memorable connection request?
My key takeaways were:
-utilise LinkedIn!
-as an early career chemist always ask questions!
-be genuine in your networking!
Did you attend the webinar and have a different takeaway?
A big thanks for the insight from the panelists: Alexandra Stenta, Daniel Couton, Andrew Jones, Dr. Despina Anastasiou, and everyone who contributed to putting together today’s event.
There were many more great tip’s and throughout the webinar, if you’d like to hear the full story, the webinar will be uploaded to youtube at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbDuOSTzwqhqymb9s4L-MIV-bEDMXxGZ8
Is there anything you disagree with? Any opinions you’d like to add? feel free to comment or message me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/simon-robson-153380193/
Till next time -Simon